Good morning everybody...
I am in trouble with my Navision SQL Server Installation, and I m really curious if someone of you knows the cause for that specific error...
Ok, these things in advance, I m using a SQL Server for hosting my database, Standard Edition, on a NT 5.2 SP3 Operating System, the client I m using is a NAV 4.0 SP 1...
The SQL Server sorting option is set to : Latin1_General_CI_AS..
However, I ll include a few screenshots to maybe give you a better idea of what causes the error (Assume that the settings, DB Connection, DB name and user authentication are correct, just had to blacken it out...)
On a standard DB, one that s been automatically generated during installation, the properties show the following sorting option:
On my own DB, though the settings have been set also, the system doesn t save them properly, resulting in this:
With that problem, the SQL Server returns the following error message on Navision Connect:
German though, the error message says that "The collation "?" is not supported by MBS Navision"
Restoring a backup didn t help, nor creating a new DB and importing data + objects...
Question now, please, how to solve this ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
many thanks in advance
... I am not a programmer, I just write code.
if the enterprise manager on the sql server is being executed, one can connect, if not, one cannot...
help, please ](*,)