Transfer Orders - Cannot Receive

rosenberglrosenbergl Member Posts: 37
We have some Transfer Orders with posted Transfer Shipments. When we try to create a Warehouse Receipt, the system does nothing.

Has anyone had any experience with this issue?


  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    Have you checked the Warehouse Receive to see if a record has been created?
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Have you released the transfer order?
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • rosenberglrosenbergl Member Posts: 37

    I've checked and no Whs Receipt record has been created and the Transfer Orders are released. Our developer has indicated that records for the transfer orders are missing from the Warehouse Request table #5765, but we do not know why or how this is happening.

    There have been no modifications to this part of the system. Some of our warehouses are Directed-Putaway & Pick and some are not.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    The wareouse request lines are created when the Order is released. This is how it works on Sales orders and Purchase Orders. Try to reopen and release the transfer order.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • rosenberglrosenbergl Member Posts: 37
    <<Try to reopen and release the transfer order.>>

    Thanks for the advise, but unfortunately, that did not solve the problem.
  • radianisradianis Member Posts: 49
    Hi Rosenbergl,

    It happen because when you create TO and release, the location 'transfer-to' is not 'require receipt' in your location card setup. Then you do shipment and you change 'tick' the transfer-to location setup to 'require receipt'.

    So the system assume that you will do normal TO from TO menu.

    My suggestion, you go to TO menu, add 'qty to receive' colums with qty you want to received, disregard the message then posting from TO menu directly.

    But when you create new TO after 'ticking' 'require receipt' and release, everything will be fine... :lol:

  • rosenberglrosenbergl Member Posts: 37

    Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure I understand everything you are saying.

    In some of our stuck transfers, the To-Location does require a receipt (as per the Location Card).

    If we try to enter a qty to receive, the systems reminds us that a warehouse receipt is required.
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    And you cannot create the Whse. Receipt? Strange. Do you have a relevant record in the Warehouse Activity Header table? It should have been created upon shipping the order to a whse location. If not, it's a bug or a wrong customization.
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Err, I actually meant Warehouse Request, not Warehouse Activity. When you ship the TO, it should create a Warehouse Request, and the Warehouse Receitp should then pick up the request and create the receipt.
  • rosenberglrosenbergl Member Posts: 37
    Yes. Our developer noticed that in some cases the Warehouse Request record was missing, but we're not sure why.
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Uh-huh. Is it completely sure that the TO was shipped? If it was shipped, and the destination location is using Whse Receipt, the Whse Request should have been created. All I can suggest is to look at the transfer shipping codeunit - I cannot tell now which one it is because right now I am on my Linux box - whether there has been a customization or not. If not, it sounds like a bug.
  • TimSmithTimSmith Member Posts: 36
    Are you trying to ship and receive using the same sign on and if so has that sign on been added to both warehouses. Alternatively if you sign on as an employee for the other location does the receipt come up then.

    I have had to remove a default location from my list before now in order to show an outstanding receipt.
  • rosenberglrosenbergl Member Posts: 37
    Same user login usually.

    Here's a tip:
    If you use the LIST button, you will only see Whse Receipts for your default warehouse. If you instead hit F5 you will see all Whse Receipts for all Warehouses.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    See if you can recreate this in Cronus. Or in another Transfer order.
    The Tip about warehouse list, yes, they should have implemented the filtering differently.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • Nils_van_KeulenNils_van_Keulen Member Posts: 6
    The problem in Navision is the following: After Shipping a Transfer Order to a Require Receive Location, a Warehouse Request is created. After reopening the Transfer Order and Releasing it again, the Warehouse Request will be deleted. This happens because the parameter CalledFromTransferOrder is set to TRUE in Codeunit 5773. This parameter prevents the Release of the Warehouse Request when releasing the Transfer again. All Open Warehouse Requests will be deleted at the end of the function Release of CodeUnit 5773. The parameter is set to TRUE in Codeunit 5708, on releasing a Transfer. I think this should only be done when no quantities are in Transit.
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    This has happened to us as well.

    We had an ITO created, which was reopened and modified (lines were deleted from this ITO and entered in on a new ITO for some reason*...), killing the warehouse request. It seems like re-releasing the ITO should pass the trigger that recreates the request, but alas, that seems not to be the case. we received straight from the ITO. What impact does receiving in this manner have on put-aways?

    *users.... you can't live with them, and you can't set them on fire.
    kind of fell into this...
  • Nils_van_KeulenNils_van_Keulen Member Posts: 6
    After investigating a little bit more, we discovered that this matter is recognised as a bug and has been solved in SP2 in Codeunit 5773. I wouldn't know how receiving straight from the ITO would effect your Put-aways...
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