Error Moving a Folder Using Automation

DocDoc Member Posts: 8
The following code produces an apparent client-computer specific error:

CREATE('Microsoft Scripting Runtime'.FileSystemObject);
IF 'Microsoft Scripting Runtime'.FileSystemObject.FolderExists(<A Valid Original Path>) THEN
'Microsoft Scripting Runtime'.FileSystemObject.MoveFolder(<A Valid Original Path>,<A Valid New Path>);
CLEAR('Microsoft Scripting Runtime'.FileSystemObject);

When a specific user is logged onto the network with their client computer A and running Navision (SQL), executing the above code on record #1 results in the following error:

This message is for C/AL programmers: An exception was raised in method MoveFolder. The OLE control or Automation server has returned error (HRESULT) -214735267. The component did not provide the exception description.

When that specific user is logged onto Navision using a different user’s client computer B and executes the above code on the same record #1, no error is generated and the folder move is completed successfully.

Network personnel have verified that the all users have complete rights to <A Valid Original Path> and <A Valid New Path>. They have also verified that all users (including those who do not encoutner the error) network security is identical.

Any suggestions as to what assignable causes could be investigated?
"For he wins who fires first and can deliver the heaviest fire."


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