Variablen sort

MrAbbeyMrAbbey Member Posts: 15
Hey folks,

is there any possibility to sort the variables in alphabetic order.
So that it is possible to reverse engeneer some code without searching
permanently for this f..... var´s?

Or how do you solve such problems?



  • Luc_VanDyckLuc_VanDyck Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 3,633
    Maybe this tool can help: Sort Variables Tool (Navision)

    But it's probably too much hassle.
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  • MrAbbeyMrAbbey Member Posts: 15
    thx so far,

    anyway it helps a lot. ´cause it´s my first time with navision and (sorry but revers engeneering is a catastrophy) it´s hard to understand what happens in the code if you have to search in 1000 different positions.

    desperate greetings

  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Welcome to Navision. It will become easier. What is that you are trying to copy?
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • MrAbbeyMrAbbey Member Posts: 15

    i´m new here in this enterprise. i have to add 2 new fields to our itemledgerentry table for each serialnr..

    So i have to debug the booking routine to see what happens and to find the place in the code where i can add "my code".
    But I´m not very lucky with the reverse engeneering possibilities of navision. Would make it easier if there is a poss. to sort alphabeticaly all the stuff like variables funktions etc.etc. .

    I´ll work on and hope to find a way to the secrets of navision. ;)

  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    That's a hard modification to add additional fields to the item ledger. If you describe the requirements of the fields. I'm sure we can help and guide on how you can make the modification.
    Serial No. related modification, is very complicated. There are many shortcuts that you can take. So let us know what the new fields are and what is the purpose of the fields, and how they are entered and how they are used.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

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