Hi All!
Can anyone tell me how to define in what order card information should be filled?
Now when i enter a new customer and a number and press Enter or TAB the cursor goes to city field and I dont want that. I want it to go in normal order number,name, address and so on.
I could not find a reason for this behaviour, please guide me if you can.
2) or with NextControl property
If NextControl is not defined, next control will be with same X position and with greater Y position (but there must be some space between the controls, one default grid for example). If there is no such a control, next control will be from next "column" of controls...
If you have some problems with tab order, check if the NextControl is not defined and if you have correct X positions (if the controls are alligned on grid), never disable or change grid when positioning controls on form.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
As far as I see, if I want my customer card number created automatically, when I press F3 in the customer card and then just enter or press tab button in my keyboard, it will directly go to address, name, address,etc.
If I create manually, I usually press enter and then it directly lead me to customer's name, address, etc..it sounds strange that your customer card will different, what version do you use ?
detail in:
It was solved by adding Nextcontrol.
The places of the fields were changed from standard, so I think that caused this behaviour.