Error handling stocks with lot numbre in Navision 3.6 or 3.7

icafferataicafferata Member Posts: 5

Someone can help me telling me witch is the hotfix that repair the bad control of stocks with lot no. in Navision 3.6 or 3.7 ?

Many thanks in advance.

Italo Cafferata


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Could you be a little specific, There were a lot of improvements for serial no lot no.
    I would implement all the improvements to the latest version.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • icafferataicafferata Member Posts: 5
    hi again:

    1) For example in an Item Journal i make a negative adjust of 10 for a product and indicate that 5 are from lot number 3456 and the other 5 are from lot number 98765. When i register the item journal the system takes the 10 from the lot number 3456.

    2) Another one, the lot no. 34567 have 40 in stock, but when i register a Item journal where i indicate a negative adjust of 60 the system dosen't control it, then i have a negative stock for that lot. number.

    Thanks again,

    Italo Cafferata
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Find the latest version for your version and test the senerios. If they have been resolved, compare the versions and load the latest versions. 4.0 came out 2 years ago. 3.7 and 3.6 came out even earlier. Nobody remembers all the improvements and what each has improved. Find the latest version for 3.x and test and see if the issues have been fixed, if yes, compare all the objects merge the newer objects.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • RuleRule Member Posts: 34
    The fact Navision takes the wrong lot is caused by the wrong costing method. If you use FIFO Navision always takes the oldest Lot Number. So you tell it has to be 5 of lot 1 and 5 of lot 2 but by using the FIFO method navision takes it all from the oldest lot. Change the costing method to specific and try it again, it will have a diffirent result.
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