hello friends, plz help in solving these problems

kumarpavantkumarpavant Member Posts: 8
hi friends, iam very new to Navision, i have some queries, i would be very thankful to u if u can provide me the solutions for the folowing problems.


Date 4.05.2006
1 In sales-order report put the ITEMS in alphabetical order
2 Copy the required info (fields) of one VENDOR / CUSTOMER/EMPLOYEE/ITEM to another
3 Send the all particular PO belongs to one particular VENDOR to that VENDOR (read the CODEUNIT MAIL-397).
4 Send all purchase orders through EMAIL
5 Send HAPPY BIRTHDAY message to all the persons whose DOB is today i.e SYS date.
6 Export the required info (fields) of CUSTOMERS/VENDORS/ITEMS to EXCEL file\
( read TABLE EXCELBUFFER-370). -
to do this go to the PURCHASE module - Analysis n Reporting - budget - functions - use option export to excel

7 Write a code to import data from excel sheet .
8 write a HTML file with table no. , name for all the tables.
9 Write a code to copy data from one company to another company --->codeunit 406 check list management.
10 Write a code to delete all the transactions from transactions tables those are ending with ENTRY , REGISTER.
11 Print the barcode( Get the data from mibuso.com)
12 All the employees should be converted to resources , resource type should be person.and vice-versa...........
13 Put the user name , date and time in the PO , General Journals,SO.
14 Put the name of the company ( font size 24 ) in the PO,Invoice in Sales n Purchases.
15 Make Allow Invoice Discount as YES, Std cost for all items should be 0.00,
Replishinment sys should be Purchase,Reordering policy as MAX , country code should be INDIA
for all the customers/vendors in sales and purchase
( To do this go to purcahase module - planning - items - invoice tab - allow invoice disc.)
16 Give a message to the users who exceeds 60 min of login time.
17 Create 10,000 customers,items,vendors,purchase orders,salesorders,and post them(batch posting).


  • jmjm Member Posts: 156
    Hi kumarpavant,

    try to find a MBS partner who can solve your problems.

    You can start with: http://www.microsoft.com/dynamics/partners/partner_prospects.mspx

    Josef Metz
    Josef Metz
  • HalMdyHalMdy Member Posts: 429
    Is it a task list from a school examination ? It's look like ... :whistle:
  • upasanisandipupasanisandip Member Posts: 405
    For question 1.. u have to create index in Sales Line & then Press Shift +F8 for sorting in Sales order form.

    For question no. 7 - U have to use dataport for importing data.

  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Sorry, but I think there is some difference in asking for help with a particular problem or posting half of an implementation project here. At least try to reduce them to those 3-4 problems that you either find completely unsolvable or are very urgent and important.
  • jmjm Member Posts: 156
    HalMdy wrote:
    Is it a task list from a school examination ? It's look like ... :whistle:

    meanwhile i agree with HalMdy, but perhaps the original poster (kumarpavant) can enlighten us?

    Josef Metz
    Josef Metz
  • shilpa_nandushilpa_nandu Member Posts: 162
    For Ques 15 you can find it in Item master...

    Question! if you are new to Nav then are you put into an implementation SPREE already without any basic training about the product??????
    Or is this some kind of a task given by your comapny to learn nav????and you end up askin us??
    u got all the user mannuals to learn and try...

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