We need to handle about 47 concurrent users with this server configuration:
2xXeon 2.66 Ghz, RAM 2 Gb, LAN 1Gbit
4õ80 GB SATA 150 Western Digital Raptor (740GD) 10000 rpm 8 mb RAID 0+1
Intel RAID Controller SRCS16 PCI64, SATA 150, Cache 64 mb
Windows 2000 Server SP4
SQL Server Standard Edition SP4 running Navision SQL database of 21 Gb
What is the best RAID configuration for running Navision SQL database in our case? Is it necessary to split our RAID 0+1 volume to different logical drives as it described in "Tuning Navision for better performance" document?
Any suggestions will be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
Nil desperandum
Should we split our single volume into several logical drives within RAID 1+0?
"Tuning Navision for better performance" says that tempdb, transaction log file, database files, system files - all should be on separate logical drives. Is it correct within RAID 1+0 configuration?
* OS + SQL Server program files + tempdb on one RAID 1 (if you can afford it 1+0, if you can afford even more put tempdb on separate array)
* data files (the MDF holds system objects, the NDF holds the actual data) on its own logical RAID 1+0 array
* TL on its own array. This one MUST be dedicated to transaction log due to the way the files is appended to. If it is dedicated to the TL, then the HDD head doesn't have to move back and forth and you have optimal speed.
This is a 'he said, she said' kind of thing. I would like to see some sort of white paper with benchmark results to back up either scenario, and from what type of loads (or maybe it's the other way around and you should do this only on smaller hardware configs) it would make sense to split up the files on SQL Server.
I'm not holding my breath though, the official hardware recommendations still say that 20MB of RAM enough to run Navision
if you use multiple date files on SQL server you have one advantage. You can make different filegroups. Now put the data files from one filegroup on the fastest part of your raid (the raid's beginning) and the data files from the other filegroup on the slow part (the raid's end). On this diffrent filegroups with diffrent average access times you can share your tables ordered by priority. This solution is just an example. The most increase of performance you will get with diffrent raids. But this would also the most expensive solution. For example our installation is based on 4 raids. One raid1 for system one raid1 for tempdb one raid10 for transactionlog and one raid10 for databasefiles. The raid for the databasefiles is divided in 3 partitions. Verry critical tables with much stress on it are stored in filegroup 1 which database files locatet in the first partition of the raid 10. This configuration garantee best performance for the tables in filegroup 1. I hope this could help a little bit understanding the advantage of multiple databasefiles.
Best regards.
PS: Sorry for my english
Arrays should be built using the same drives. Don't mix and match drives. Partioning an array will not improve performance. You have no control over which physical drive your data is stored on. This is managed by the array controller's operating system. The array will spread the data over the available drives.
1 array on raid 1+0 for data files
1 array on raid 1+0 but FAT formating for log files
1 array on raid 1+0 fat for temp database
All arrays on different chanels of raid adapter..
!! Cluster size of your disk on 8 (sql reads in chinks of 8 bytes)..
and a lot of internal memory....
Benny Giebens