XMLPort - How to link a Sales Order to a Customer?

erugalathaerugalatha Member Posts: 120

I've searched around for info. on how to import a Sales Order and link it to a Customer Account when it's imported via an XMLPort but most of the posts seem to gloss over exactly how to do this or presume it should be known already.

My sales orders arrive in XML but they don't have the same customer number as the customer number I have in Navision so I'm wondering how to link one to the other on import without this info. being present in the XML?

Thanks in advance for any help.


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    May be that you need to read it into variable and process it after import (for example in OnAfterAssignField trigger)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • erugalathaerugalatha Member Posts: 120
    kine wrote:
    read it into variable and process it after import

    thanks for the response but "read it into variable" and "process after import" is vague. Read what into a variable and what is the process after the import?

    thank you.
  • BranoHBranoH Member Posts: 2
    U don't read it directly into a Table , but u read it into a variable. (SourceType=Text). Your "No". from another system will be in this variable. NOW u can do some 'code' (u need to do) to find the right "No." (what is used in your DB for the Customer ). U can make a table with 2 fields like "Navi No." and "Outside No.". In this table u find a right "No.". Or simple make a new field into a Customer table.
  • erugalathaerugalatha Member Posts: 120
    ok - thanks for the info. I seem to have the correct mapping of Sales Order to Customer account now but when I run the XMLPort it gives an error "The Sales Line Table is empty."

    My sales line table is not empty so does anyone know what this message really means?
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