We have recently received an item and have shipped it out to our customer.
The receipt, shipment and customer invoice were posted in the last accounting period which is now closed.
The item was received in U.S. currency but should have been received in Canadian currency.
How do we change the currency code to Canadian to correct the sales margin as well as allowing us to pay the purchase invoice in the proper currency?
Thank you.
You need to do some programming:
In Codeunit 74:"OnRun".
You need to comment this line:
// PurchRcptLine.SETRANGE("Currency Code",PurchHeader."Currency Code");
Create a purchase invoice for the vendor in the correct curreny code.
Then functions=>Get Receipt lines. You will also see the receipts in other currencies.
It is possible you need to some other minor changes to the code, but I don't think so.
Once done this, you just need to follow the standard Navision functionality to get the costs of the item correct.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I understand that the commenting of the line will let me see the 'filtered' purchase receipt line.
Do I simply change the currency code for that line and Navision will take care of the rest?
Then I would do a cost revaluation for the item to correct my sales margin?
Is it that simple or am I missing something?
I think cost revaluation should correct the sales margin, but it is better to first test it in a test-DB to be sure.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!