Synch Service Intercepts COMMERCE_ITEM updates, and seems to auto update the Catlaogue contents based on the Value of the Item.Class field and any matching BizDesk Category.
Is it possible to expand this functionlity to make updates in the catalogue based on one or more additional fields? e.g. I have added a "Published" field, which synchonises into Bizdesk no problem, but would like to auto update catalogue to exclude an Item from a catalog if Published<>TRUE (even if Item is classified).
I am hoping that CPSynch hooks into a Stored Procedure or VB script or somthing that I can actually get to to expand.
Are the authors of the Commerce Portal Synch service listening on this forum? I hope so ! There is a big grey area between sending COMMERCE_ITEM table updates and seeing the result in BizDesk, and I would appreciate some help here
sorry but AFAIK there is no way to modify the synch behaviour. I tried to do that a long long time ago because i think that the synch service cause more problems than it solves.
I have been using the Synchronization Service for many things latley, after i found out how to work around the Commerce Server dependancy in it, it is quite useful i think, not only to webshops.
but as Rainer says, you can't change how it hooks into Commerce Server.
And also the Synchronization Service is not updated from Microsoft anymore, so its a dying way, but personally i don't look that far
fact is, Its a very fast,cheap and relativly safe way to synch navision data online to another SQL Server. and most of master data tables are allready there.
A few changes to get rid of the CS specific Conversions thats all the coding required.