Nav 4.0 Purchase Credit Memo and Item Tracking (Lot No.)

virmigvirmig Member Posts: 5

- an item with lot no. is bought from a vendor, and invoiced and received in navision
- the same item is sold to a customer, and invoiced and shipped in navision

now the navision user realises that the Direct Unit Cost in the purchase invoice was wrong. he creates a Credit Memo and uses the copy function to copy the faulty purchase invoice, assigns Lot No. and wants to post the Credit Memo. The following error occurs: "Item Tracking .... cannot be fully applied".

The reason is clear, no item with this Lot No. is in inventory. But how can he achieve the desired result?

Probably a simple answer, but I can't find it.

Thanks in advance!!


  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    When you have set item tracking code and serial and or lot no. in the item card. The item will be able to track. If the item is purchased item, you assign the item's lot no and or serial no when you want to purchase the item.

    If you want to use purchase credit memo, you must also use item tracking line to assign lot no.

  • virmigvirmig Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for your reply!

    I have done that already when testing, but to no avail.


  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    you have bought the item and then sold it,
    so it is no longer in your inventory.

    then you are trying to say on the purchase credit memo that you are returning it, the error is telling you that you can't return something you dont have.

    If you were able to post this transaction you would end up being negative inventory qty.

    You need to first issue a purchase invoice to bring the item back into your inventory, then a purchase credit to take it back out. make the net of the two the amount you need to correct the price.
  • virmigvirmig Member Posts: 5
    That's the solution, thanks!

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