How to match fields in report.

upasanisandipupasanisandip Member Posts: 405

I am new to Nav. I want to create a new report.
Fields r from table no. 32(Item Ledger Entry Table) -
Entry No., Item No. , Description, Item Ledger Entry No. ( from values entry table-5802).

I want records only that r matching in table no. 32 (Field is Entry No.) and Table no. 5802 (Field is Item Ledger Entry No.) .

How to match that fields in report.
Help me.



  • AlbertvhAlbertvh Member Posts: 516
    Hi Sandip
    in the PreDataItem do the following
    ValueEntry.SETCURRENTKEY("Item Ledger Entry No.","Expected Cost","Document No.","Partial Revaluation","Entry Type","Variance Type",Adjustment);

    then in the AfterGetRecord
    ValueEntry.SETRANGE("Item Ledger Entry No.","Entry No.");
    IF Not ValueEntry.FIND('-') THEN

    Remember that in the body section you will add a field with properties SourceExpr ValueEntry."Item Ledger Entry No."

    However the "Entry No." of the Item Ledger Entry will be the same as the ValueEntry."Item Ledger Entry No." perhaps you need the "Entry No." of the ValueEntry table :?:
  • upasanisandipupasanisandip Member Posts: 405
    Albertvh, thanks again for quick reply.

    Trying u'r code.
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