Structure.SETFILTER(Structure.Inactive, 'Nein'); Structure.SETFILTER(Structure."Accounts Statement Liability", 'Ja'); IF ((NOT Rec_Customer.GET(Structure."Structure No.")) OR (NOT Rec_Customer.GET(Structure."Structure No."+'BP')) )THEN BEGIN Rec_Customer.INIT; Rec_Customer.CALCFIELDS(MarkerExistiert,"Customer Structure Exists", "State Organization","Region Organization",Comment); Rec_Customer.VALIDATE(Name, 'XYZ' + COPYSTR(Structure.Name,1,26)); Rec_Customer.VALIDATE(Rec_Customer."Invoice Disc. Code", Structure."Structure No."); // Rec_Customer.VALIDATE(Rec_Customer.Comment, False);When I try to run the report the following message appears: "The CalcFormula for the Comment FlowField in the Customer table should start with 'Sum(....'"
So does anybody has a idea how to fill a FlowField with a fixed value?
Correct is (if the fields are boolean): or Do not forget, that you need to keep the code multilanguage-enabled.
2) Yes - Comment is calculated field and if you want to have it false, you just need to delete all records in "Comment Line" table for the customer...
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