Security in 4 SP1 SQL server

NizarNizar Member Posts: 61

I have upgrated my database from 2.60 to 4SP1 SQL.
the security of all screen of 2.60 was synchronised but there are more screen in 4 SP1 i can't open because i haven't autorisation in it.
Can't i find automaticly all object which i haven't permission.



  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Problem can be:

    1) Permissions in NA (see table 2000000005) - you need to add the objects into some role
    2) Permissions in license file (see table 2000000043) - you need to check if the object is in your license - if not and it is standard object, you need to buy some granule (or you get this granule for free in some situations)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • thaugthaug Member Posts: 106
    I had a problem with my license that would not allow us to view certain forms, even though it was possible to view with the developers license. One such form was the standard journals. After two new licenses received from MS, it finally worked. See if your NSC can have MS regenerate the license.

    You can also try to temporarily give the user the db_owner property on the database in the SQL Enterprise Manager and see if it allows you in.
    There is no data, only bool!
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