Hello poeple,
I have a question, i just began making tables and forms and im stuck with a problem.
I have 2 forms one card form and a list form i want to join these forms but i dont know how.
Here are some screens to let u see what kind of setup i use.
this is my object designer, these are the forms i talk about.
The first link is my card form the second mine list form, these forms i want to join with the menu button in the third URL this function also can be used by pressing F5.
Can someone help me with this problem, many many thanks.
maybe you forget to select LookupFormId property in your table(list form ID) :-k
That property is only a textbox function.
Thats not the issue here, i want the function for the overall cards form.
Check the fourth screen.
option a. Add a new Command Button to your Card Form
Set the PushAction Property of the command Button to LookupOK
option b. Add a new Menu Button to your Card Form
Add a new Menu Item to the Menu Button Called List (for instance)
Caption = List
Action = LookupTable
ShortCutKey = F5 (so that you could List with F5)
Save the Card form and run
topic can closed now, many thnx
This forum doesn't work that way. You need to put "[Solved]" in the message subject yourself.