How to control error when using Activex Automation.

icafferataicafferata Member Posts: 5
Good Mornig:

I'll appreciate so much if someone can help me where to find documentation and examples about the use od ActiveX Data Objects in Navision. Now i am using version 2.7.

With the next code I can make modifications to record in DBASE IV, but, if the record already exists the application stop execution.

SQL_Insert:='INSERT INTO '+rec_Config_Cont."Tabla Artículos";
SQL_Insert+='VALUES('''+rec_producto."No."+''','''+CONVERTSTR(rec_producto.Description,'''',' ')+''',';
SQL_Insert+=CONVERTSTR(FORMAT(rec_producto."Unit Cost"),',','.');
SQL_Insert+=','''+rec_producto."Vendor No."+''',';
SQL_Insert+=FORMAT(rec_producto."Reorder Point")+',';
SQL_Insert+=''+rec_Grupo_Reg_IVA_Prod.IVA_DbaseIV+','+FORMAT(rec_producto."Cant.Ped.Minimo Tienda")+',';
SQL_Insert+='''' + rec_producto."Item Category code"+''','''+rec_producto."Product Group Code"+''',';
SQL_Insert+='''' + rec_producto."No." + ''')';

//Ejecución de la sentancia SQL


This code works but if the record exists it gives an error and stop the process, then, i need to capture the error and control it.

Many thanks in advance
Italo Cafferata


  • amunozsuamunozsu Member Posts: 30
    You should better do something like:

    gblAdoCommand.CommandType := 1;
    cadenaSql := STRSUBSTNO('INSERT INTO %1 (%2) VALUES (%3)', tabla, campos, valores);
    gblAdoCommand.CommandText := cadenaSql;

    If numRegistros=0 Then some error occurs.

    Another way is writing a wrapper that allows you to properly control any errors.

    -- Alejandro --
  • jesamjesam Member Posts: 100
    Maybe you should first check if the record you are trying to insert exists through a select statement ?
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