SQL locking error on reservation entry in Production Journal

kjspiterikjspiteri Member Posts: 3
Hi All,

I am facing an issue with Navision over SQL server where when I try to post transactions from the Production Journal for a released Production order, I am being given the error:

"Another user has modified the record for this reservation entry after you retrieved it from the database. Enter your changes again in the updated window, or start the interrupted activity again. Identification fields and values: Entry No.=209626, Positive='No'"

Investigations the transactions and background processes seems to indicate that the problem is originating from Codeunit 99000830 "Create Reserv. Entry". in the function "TransferReservEntry" at the NewReservEntry.MODIFY line of the following code:

TransferQty := NewReservEntry."Quantity (Base)";
IF NewReservEntry."Source Type" = DATABASE::"Item Ledger Entry" THEN BEGIN
IF NewReservEntry.GET(NewReservEntry."Entry No.",NOT NewReservEntry.Positive) THEN BEGIN // Get partner-record
IF NewReservEntry."Quantity (Base)" < 0 THEN
NewReservEntry."Expected Receipt Date" := 0D
NewReservEntry."Shipment Date" := 31129999D;

on a local native copy of the database transactions post ok, Problem only occurs on SQL server. Transactions that seem to trigger the issue have Reservation type set as Tracking in the recordset.

I am suspecting the reason to be SQL's record locking. Would appreciate any possible solution that would not have any adverse effect upon posting of the journal, considering the complexity of Reservation entry processing within Navision


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    SQL has stricter rules on versioning than Native Db. That is why you are not getting the error on native db. What version are using, see if there are improvements for your version.

    You can also do a get with a different variable and pass the new values to ti and update the record.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • kjspiterikjspiteri Member Posts: 3
    Apparently this is a bug, for which the following solution was provided:

    CORRECTION (BUG 12455)
    Codeunit 99000830, TransferReservEntry

    NewReservEntry := OldReservEntry;
    IF NewReservEntry.RECORDLEVELLOCKING THEN // new line
    NewReservEntry.MODIFY; // new line

    NewReservEntry."Source Type" := NewType;

    Codeunit 99000838
    TransferPOCompToItemJnlLine function

    IF ReservEngineMgt.InitRecordSet(OldReservEntry) THEN
    OldReservEntry.TESTFIELD("Item No.",OldProdOrderComp."Item No.");
    OldReservEntry.TESTFIELD("Variant Code",OldProdOrderComp."Variant
    OldReservEntry.TESTFIELD("Location Code",OldProdOrderComp."Location

    TransferQty := CreateReservEntry.TransferReservEntry(DATABASE::"Item
    Journal Line",
    NewItemJnlLine."Entry Type",NewItemJnlLine."Journal Template
    Name",NewItemJnlLine."Journal Batch Name",0,
    NewItemJnlLine."Line No.",NewItemJnlLine."Qty. per Unit of

    OldReservEntry.GET(OldReservEntry."Entry No.",OldReservEntry.Positive);
    //New line

    IF ReservEngineMgt.NEXTRecord(OldReservEntry) = 0 THEN
    IF ItemTrackingFilterIsSet THEN BEGIN
    OldReservEntry.SETRANGE("Serial No.");
    OldReservEntry.SETRANGE("Lot No.");
    ItemTrackingFilterIsSet := FALSE;
    EndLoop := NOT ReservEngineMgt.InitRecordSet(OldReservEntry);

    UNTIL EndLoop OR (TransferQty = 0);

    Hope this can be of help to those who encounter this issue....
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    Did you find it on partner source?
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • GoMaDGoMaD Member Posts: 313
    Does anybody know if there are more simmilar issues on the SQL Option?
    Now, let's see what we can see.
    Everybody on-line.
    Looking good!
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    Navision themselves did not program on SQL, but on Native and so the programmer test everything in Native, and then it was tested on SQL as well I'm guessing.
    But with 4? they've started programming programming in SQL. So things turn the other way around.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • GoMaDGoMaD Member Posts: 313
    ara3n, I just looked in the 4.00 SP2 database and the above mentioned bug is still in this version.

    Shouldn't this bug fix be implemented in this version?

    Now, let's see what we can see.
    Everybody on-line.
    Looking good!
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    Post your code where it stops. You have do write a get statements. It's fairly easy to fix.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • GoMaDGoMaD Member Posts: 313

    I used the bug fix suggested by kjspiteri, and it works.

    Still, thanks for your help!
    Now, let's see what we can see.
    Everybody on-line.
    Looking good!
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Thanks, it helped me a lot at with client. I think I should ask my managers for a PartnerSource password and start each error investigation there instead of in the debugger :-)
  • batmakibatmaki Member Posts: 11
    Hi all,

    i'm having the same problem but the solution that kjspiteri provided is no good for me...

    Now, the error appears on the new lines:
    IF NewReservEntry.RECORDLEVELLOCKING THEN // new line 
    NewReservEntry.MODIFY; // new line 

    Any news on this issue?

    Thanks in advance
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