Increasing Description field in Chart of accounts

iqbalmadiqbalmad Member Posts: 179
As per the requirement of our client we have increased the number of characters for the Description field in the Chart Of Account table. The number of characters was 30 we have increased to 50.

We have exported the budget on excel as the different departments will work the budget on excel and import it back on the system.

A problem is occurring when I import back the budget. am getting an error:

A value in the filter "RESERVE....." in the code caption field in the Dimention table is too long for the field type


Can anyone help on this issue? If I bring this description of the G/L code to 30, the problem will occur where there is a description greater than 30.


  • AlbertvhAlbertvh Member Posts: 516
    Hi iqbalmad

    You should never change the lengths or types of standard fields [-X You will have to change the import routine to only copy the first 30 characters using the COPYSTR function or change all ocurrances of the description field. Hope this helps

  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    Sames opinion here ... .

    You can create a new field where you can import the entire contents. There are many posts about this on this forum ...

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