Hi All,
I want to declare generic text constants globally such that they can be accessed from any of the Navision objects.
Can any one help me how to do this.
MCTS (MB7-841 : NAV 2009 C/SIDE Solution Development)
There is no such thing as application wide variables. You could possibly start a single instance codeunit and access the variables in there, but then you'd have to add access to this codeunit to every object that you want to access it from.
And the singleinstance-codeunit would be like this:
Global textconstants:
txcYes [ITA=Sì;ENU=Yes;NLB=Ja;FRB=Oui;DEU=Ja]
txcNo [ITA=No;ENU=No;NLB=Nee;FRB=Non;DEU=Nein]
1 Function in the singelinstance codeunit:
GetGlobalTextConstant(IcodGlobalTextConstant:code20) : Text1024
CASE IcodGlobalTextConstant OF
'YES': EXIT(txcYes);
'NO': EXIT(txcNo);
...and so on...
ELSE ERROR('Global text constant "%1" does not exist.',IcodGlobalTextConstant);
Example of use in an object:
global variables:
cduGlobalTextContants=codeunit:"The Codeunit"
MESSAGE('Yes in current language=%1',cduGlobalTextContants.GetGlobalTextConstant('YES'));
Regards,Alain Krikilion No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Global textconstants:
txcYes [ITA=Sì;ENU=Yes;NLB=Ja;FRB=Oui;DEU=Ja]
txcNo [ITA=No;ENU=No;NLB=Nee;FRB=Non;DEU=Nein]
1 Function in the singelinstance codeunit:
Example of use in an object:
global variables:
cduGlobalTextContants=codeunit:"The Codeunit"
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!