Declaring global text constants at application level

havhav Member Posts: 299
Hi All,
I want to declare generic text constants globally such that they can be accessed from any of the Navision objects.
Can any one help me how to do this.

MCTS (MB7-841 : NAV 2009 C/SIDE Solution Development)


  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    There is no such thing as application wide variables. You could possibly start a single instance codeunit and access the variables in there, but then you'd have to add access to this codeunit to every object that you want to access it from.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    And the singleinstance-codeunit would be like this:
    Global textconstants:
    txcYes [ITA=Sì;ENU=Yes;NLB=Ja;FRB=Oui;DEU=Ja]
    txcNo [ITA=No;ENU=No;NLB=Nee;FRB=Non;DEU=Nein]

    1 Function in the singelinstance codeunit:
    GetGlobalTextConstant(IcodGlobalTextConstant:code20) : Text1024
      CASE IcodGlobalTextConstant OF
        'YES': EXIT(txcYes);
        'NO': EXIT(txcNo);
        ...and so on...
       ELSE ERROR('Global text constant "%1" does not exist.',IcodGlobalTextConstant);

    Example of use in an object:
    global variables:
    cduGlobalTextContants=codeunit:"The Codeunit"
    MESSAGE('Yes in current language=%1',cduGlobalTextContants.GetGlobalTextConstant('YES'));
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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