Multilanguage problem

iqbalmadiqbalmad Member Posts: 179
Am doing a report where depending on the Language of the Purchaser, i will be sending him a letter in his language.

using GLOBALLANGUAGE or CurrReport.Language works fine for textboxes,labels..

but what if i have a variable which is converting a number to text format, eg 234 EUR becomes TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY FOUR EURO

How do i go around converting this text in other languages.
when i use GLOBALLANGUAGE - for conversion to french , i get smthing like this TWO CENT ET THIRTY FOUR EURO. :(


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    You need to change the function that is doing the conversion and pass a new parameter (language code); In the function you will assign the value to text based on language codes, and you have write them all manually the translation in that function for each language.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    The only easy solution is to print TWO-THREE-FOUR EUR.
    because every language is different in the way numbers are handled, so
    each language would need its own conversion functions.
    If the german "234" would be directly translated, it would read "TWOHUNDREDFOURANDTHIRTY" which could lead to some confusion.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • iqbalmadiqbalmad Member Posts: 179
    i tried the first solution.
    I changed my text, based on the language which am going to use.
    in fact am going to use only english n french..
    Thank u guys.. :D
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