I would like to create a report of table 5050 (contact).
What I would like to generate, is al list of all the records that are not filled.
I already created a report of table 5050. All the records, that need to be filled are in it. So when i run the report, it prints me all the selected records of the contact table.
I would only like to see the records that are not filled, and if possible, give me that contact Nr.
I already went through my reporting learning book, but cannot find any solution.
Note that I am a rookie, this is my first Live report.
Could anyone please help me on this matter?
In the first case, you can let the user put a filter '' (=2 single quotes) in the Name field.
Or you can put it in the property "DataItemTableView"=WHERE(Name=FILTER('')).
Or you can put a filter in the "OnPreDataItem()" of the dataitem
In case you have to test more field (like if Name or Addres is blank), you need to put some code in the "OnAfterGetRecord()"-trigger of the dataitem.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I mean, that I want to print the records that are blank.
For Example, contact 1 has been created, but his telephone number is not filled. The record Telephone number is blank
In my report, i would like to see the Contact nr. (in this case 1), and the field that hasn't been filled (in this case Telephone number).
In this variable we will put the fields that are not filled in.
This is the code you need in the "OnAfterGetRecord()"-trigger
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!