I had a SQL database backup lying around. I restored it as a different database, and with a INSERT INTO SELECT statement restored just this one report.
Please don't do any object maintenance directly on SQL Server. Right now you did one report and think you have it all down. Next you're going to do a major object sweep and inadvertedly corrupt the database. I'm sure it is all possible, but you should really use the Navision tools that come with Navision to do this type of thing. Any data write operation in Navision (including object and key maintenance) should always be done through the Navision UI.
This is exaclty why I do semi-frequent backups of my objects seperately from the normal nightly backup. It makes it much easier to restore things when stuff like this happens, and it happens to everyone.
I sent a product suggestion to MS a while back asking for a feature that would do an automatic backup of replaced (or deleted) objects, but nicely told me that they wouldn't do it.
That is exactly why I try to do all my development on a local copy of the database. That way I always have a fob file of anything I work on, so it's not a big deal if something is lost.
You could copy the Cronus Database off :P your CD and export the report and import it back to your Databse
Piece of cake.
thnx for the advice
You just need to export out the credit memo objects from Cronus Database in .fob format, and import fob file to the database you want to import.
I sent a product suggestion to MS a while back asking for a feature that would do an automatic backup of replaced (or deleted) objects, but nicely told me that they wouldn't do it.