Sales (LCY) field in Cust. Ledger Entry includes VAT!

BagheeraBagheera Member Posts: 57
This is what Navision help shows when hitting F1 in that field:

[b]Sales (LCY) Field
The Cust. Ledger Entry Table[/b]

This field shows the sales amount on the entry in LCY (excluding VAT).

The field can be filled in from the following fields:

If the entry was posted from a journal line, the sales amount is copied from the Sales/Purch. (LCY) field on the journal line.

If the entry was posted from an order, invoice or credit memo, the sales amount is calculated as the sum of the amounts on the lines, minus VAT.

However even in the default Cronus database when one posts an invoice the whole amount (including VAT) goes in the Cust. Ledger Entry - Sales (LCY).

Can someone clarify whether this behavior is normal?


  • lakshmivallurulakshmivalluru Member Posts: 168
    As far as i know SALES (LCY) is always amount excluding VAT.
  • BagheeraBagheera Member Posts: 57
    As far as i know SALES (LCY) is always amount excluding VAT.

    Then please check in your Navision installation the Sales (LCY) in Customer Ledger Entry for a recently posted Sales Invoice and check if the amount includes VAT or not. I bet it does.
  • navisi0nenavisi0ne Member Posts: 36
    I did some tests:
      invoice wit flag Prices including VAT=FALSE invoice with Prices including VAT=TRUE invoice in Sales Journal
    in all the above cases I got the amount escluding vat in the Sales (LCY) field of Customer Ledger Entry.
    You can also look at that amount in the Invoice Statistic before posting your invoice.

    Are you testing in a standard db or a customized?
    Did you try on the w1 version?
    Which version are you using)
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