Bank Reconciliation

johnnyc313johnnyc313 Member Posts: 93

We have a customer who when they run the suggest lines job in a bank rec. the Total Balance figure that comes is different from the Trial Balance figure by 60.00.

I've tried looking for applied entries, but I can't see where this 60.00 difference comes from. Any ideas where I should be looking?




  • lakshmivallurulakshmivalluru Member Posts: 168
    may be the difference is because of the bank reconsilation includes cheque ledger entires??? which the trial balance will not include??
    check if the bank reconsilation entries have got any cheque ledger entry,
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    The extra $60.00 might come from an entry that made directly to the G/L.

    Also, which version of Navision are you using? In the previous versions, you might have a different balance if you void checks.
  • johnnyc313johnnyc313 Member Posts: 93
    Thanks for the replies guys...

    They are using a 2.6 database on a 3.7 Client.

    There are no cheque ledger entries on the Bank Rec. at all and no voided cheques ever in the system.

    I'll try having a look to see if there was an entry made directly to G/L.

    EDIT: No postings made direct to G/L for that amount in the specific period.

    Any other ideas?
  • lakshmivallurulakshmivalluru Member Posts: 168
    Well check this then. The Statement Amount = "Remaining Amount" of Bank Ledger Entry. But the Trail Balance Report shows "Amount" of Bank Ledger Entry. Hope its right :roll:
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    Any chance you have another bank rec created, it won't pull lines in if they are already on another bank rec.

    We had one time were a bank rec header was deleted but somehow the lines were not. took forever to find, but eventually I went directly into the bank rec line table and saw the records, deleted them and then called up a new bank rec and they came into it.
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    The last resolution is to print out the G/L Account detail and your Bank Ledger account and check it line by line.
  • johnnyc313johnnyc313 Member Posts: 93
    Checked Bank Acc. rec. Lines table and there's no lines that shouldn't be there.

    Which would be the best way to ensure I got all appropriate G/L Account Entries and Bank Ledger Entries?

    Thanks again for the help.

  • navisi0nenavisi0ne Member Posts: 36
    G/L Entry and Bank Account Ledger Entry have the same Entry No. Therefore you should be able to write a report or a codeunit to read the G/L Entry for that bank and for each entry read the Bank Account Ledger Entry with key Entry No. = G/L Entry. Entry No.
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    navisi0ne wrote:
    G/L Entry and Bank Account Ledger Entry have the same Entry No. Therefore you should be able to write a report or a codeunit to read the G/L Entry for that bank and for each entry read the Bank Account Ledger Entry with key Entry No. = G/L Entry. Entry No.
    nice idea, since this is likely a one time problem, I would fire up msAccess, make an odbc connection, make a two tables in access for the bank entry and the g/l entry and run a query to give you the entry that doesn't match. probably only take a few minutes to do. the reason I would make a table, instead of simply link to the navision table, is queries tend to time out on the g/l table since it is so big. but if you down load and make an access table everything is done in access, instead of through the odbc driver.
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