I thought of the Total Amount as a value that is accesible at any moment.
Apparantly it isn't. It turns out to be zero if you access it in the Invoice Header.
I tried everything, CALCSUMS, CREATETOTALS but nothing worked so far.
Help will be appreciated.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I have the "Amount Including Tax" field on my Posted Invoice Header
and it shows the inv total.
The thing is, I only want to show the Amount field of the Sales Header table. It's allready released, since I'm trying to print a posted invoice, but somehow it always returns zero OR the line amount. I really don't get this. Why can't i just use "Sales Invoice Header"."Amount Including VAT" and be done with it?
"Amount Including Tax" or what ever your name is
It should have a calcformula like...
Sum("Sales Invoice Line"."Amount Including Tax" WHERE (Document No.=FIELD(No.)))
TotalAmountInv := "Sales Invoice Header"."Amount Including VAT";
TotalAmountInv is a global variable I defined (decimal)
The global gets filled with the Amount value from the Sales Invoice Header. I can reference this global from the Sales Invoice Line Header section.
Thanx for all the help, in the end it put me on the right track.