Hello, everybody
I am in process of creating a report in Navision 3.70 and have following question. How does Data Item Indent influence speed of the report.
Let me explain what I mean. Suppose I have a simple performance test
1) Data Items/indentation are
Sales Header
--Sales Line(indeded under Sales header wih the No.= Document No. link)
2) Data Items is
Sales Line
In both cases there is a counter counting the Sales Lines. Reports are processing only. Question: which one will be faster?
I have done this test and it looks like the first one is even faster then the second one.
Has anybody done any tests on the large amounts of data?
Best Regards,
if you need cust info
->Item Ledger Entry
I Created a report a while back to Print Shelf labels for every item a customer bought. First I used Sales Header & Line - But when I updated the report to use item Ledger Entry it was much much faster.
That report used
Item ledger Entry
->Item (so I can use the item info n' stuff)
the Source # is the Customer #
& you just have to specify the Entry Type (ie. Sale, Credit Memo.....)
Posting Date if you want to use Ranges
That's my story & I'm sticking with it. O:)
What are you trying to do?
Actually I have just used Sales Header and Sales line as examples. My problem is that I have to get all sales for the particular Item for the particular posting date range(I also need a Bill-to customer). So I am between 2 solutions:
1) Create a record variable SalesInvoiceHeader and set range on it for the date range, then get first and last numbers for the posted invoices. And finally set range on the DataItem Sales Inv. Line for the document numbers. This will get me a range of all the Posted Invoice lines for the particular Posting Date Range
2) Create report on the following structure of DataItem's
Sales Invoice Header
--Sales Invoice Line(with the link by the Document No.)
The amount of Invoice lines will be hugggggge, so i am not sure which way to select...
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The reason is that the sales invoice line has more records than the item ledger. The item ledger only has item information while the sales invoice line has G/L, Item, Resource, Fixed Asset, comments, etc etc.
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
Of course it would be good to have a nice index on the header-table.
In case you need also to read the item-table, check this post : Limiting database reads when processing lots of records.
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