Current Scenario : Our client is working in multiuser environment at 13 differnt sites and with 35 users (including 20 CITRIX users). and around 15 GB of database.
Problem : The problem is lots of sales reports are requesting for "Posted structure line" table. so whenever anyone run one of those reports, it locks the entire table, which even not allow to post orders by rest of the user.
and if the table is locked by some other user then the report takes huge amount of time to execute.
So, is there anyway through which we can only apply read lock onto the required tables, so that rest of our requests won't effected.
Suggest the solution either from Navision side or from SQL side.
Independent Consultant/Developer
That should solve the problem.
Make sure the report's TransactionType are set to UpdateNoLocks.
Independent Consultant/Developer
Which version of Navision are you running on?
Ideally in a report you would not lock tables. If it is so i would suggest, you need to review the code.
It is the posting routines which cause locks, which can be resolved. These again are due to code related to Localization. You will also need to consider weather the hardware is set as per requirements of Navision for the no. of users using the system.