schemaXT - how to remove a server entry from Active Director

orbitalsalmonorbitalsalmon Member Posts: 33
edited 2009-09-15 in NAV Tips & Tricks
SchemaXT was very useful in listing our database server in Active Directory, but it also lists our test server which we'd like removed.

Does it require uninstalling the database service on test server first?



  • Siempo2000Siempo2000 Member Posts: 3
    When you uninstall the server it should remove itself from AD, however this doesn't work always.
    The only way i found was to manually remove the ldap entries.
    BE CAREFULL!!! you can seriously damage your active directory if you don't know what you are doing.

    first open command promt:
    type dsquery * forestroot -filter (objectclass=navision-serviceconnectionpoint) followed by enter
    from the output find the entry you wish to remove and copy it to notepad
    Remove the linebreaks and copy the line.

    go back to command promt and type dsrm space and paste your line.
    the line should look something like this: (incl. double qoutes)
    dsrm "CN=Navision Attain Database Server NAME,CN=SERVER,OU=Navision Servers,OU=My Company,DC=domainname,DC=local"

    press enter and say Y to delete the entry.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from 'NAV/Navision' forum to 'NAV Tips & Tricks' forum]
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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