Navision re-location - advice needed

triona*triona* Member Posts: 27
edited 2006-06-28 in General Chat
Hi Folks,

I'm working for a company in Ireland, with a larger sister company in the US, and we have been working with Navision 3.7 for the last couple of years. The Navision application/database is currently situated with our sister company in the US, and we have been accessing it via remote connection since it's introduction. We have a maintenance agreement with and have been receiving support from a US based solution centre. We are due to renew our maintenance agreement in a couple of months.

Here's where the advice is needed....our sister company is planning to stop using Navision within the next month, but we in Ireland plan to keep using it. We need to re-locate the system here, reduce the number of users and hence the licence value (in order to reduce maintanance costs), and find support either in Ireland or the UK. We also want to purchase some extras, to enable Production/Sales Forecasting. I've been asked to set the wheels in motion, and have no idea where to start!

Any insight/advice would be greatly appreciated.. :roll:

Thanks in advance,


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    Well first thing is to search for a new Solution Center. This link can be usefull :
    I didn't find one for Ireland. Maybe you can ask Microsoft directly if there are NSC's (=Navision Solution Centers) in Ireland.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    I doubt that you will be able to reduce the number of users on your license. To find a solution center you should probably go to MS directly. Your sister company's solution center should have a MS rep contact that should be able to put you in touch with the right people in Ireland.

    Good luck, sounds like an interesting challenge.
  • triona*triona* Member Posts: 27
    Hi Folks,

    We've managed to find a solution centre in the UK, who are willing to take us on, but have already run into a snag!

    They got in touch with Microsoft on our behalf in order to get a maintenance quote together for us, but have discovered that, according to Microsoft, we are not allowed to physically move the Navision software outside the country it was originally installed in...even though we are part of the same company, just a different department in a different location. Apparently, we have to re-purchase the licenses, albeit 'at a reduced rate', which I haven't yet been quoted on. If we don't fork out for new licenses, we are faced with leaving the system sitting on a server in the US (with noone using it over there), having a solution centre in the UK, and accessing it remotely in Ireland as we are doing now.

    At this point i'm just gonna wait and see what 'a reduced rate' amounts to, but am just wondering if any of you guys know of any way out of this one? Would attempting to re-locate the system on our own, without support from a solution centre, and going forward without the option to upgrade be a bold, bad idea??

    Thanks again for responses..
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142

    Sorry 2 hear that you CAN use Navision as long as you access it remotely.
    But Can't use it if you want it closer.

    I'm curious on the "Break" they are going to cut you.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    OMG I never heard that one before. :shock:. You can't physically move software? LOL
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • David_CoxDavid_Cox Member Posts: 509
    Talk to a large reseller, like K3 Alpha Landsteinar, they have customers in UK, US, Middle East and Ireland, and will know the best way forward, they are used to these sort of problems. =D>

    I worked for, K3 Alpha Landsteinar some time ago, they have done big Implementations in Ireland, they are nice guys :D

    You wil find them here: ; and they have an office in Dublin.

    Why not just keep your agreement with the US reseller, and move the server/Database to the UK (back up and restore), and get them to support it remotely, get them to find a local reseller or resource to partner with, I have worked on databases in the middle east from the UK, so from US to Ireland should not be a problem, there is no need to visit a site, unless you feel you need a face to face talk.

    The US reseller don't need to be online all the time, and you alraedy have good links, so remote access, would do them fine, with the comfort of being able to call on a local reseller or resource if required.
    Analyst Developer with over 17 years Navision, Contract Status - Busy
    Mobile: +44(0)7854 842801
  • triona*triona* Member Posts: 27
    Hi Folks,

    Just to update anyone who may have been interested and to close out this thread -

    We have decided to stick with our current reseller, who are based in the US. They have confirmed that we can go ahead and re-locate our server to Ireland, without having to re-purchase, and we are going ahead with the re-location over the next couple of weeks. They are going to support us remotely for now, and partner with another reseller in the EU should it be required in the future...

    Thanks to all who commented and advised :mrgreen:
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Well I'm glad that you can move software to another country. Did you have to get special permissions?
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

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