using diferent key in cfront

PoweRoyPoweRoy Member Posts: 43
edited 2006-04-18 in Navision Attain
Im currently working with a handscanner. there's a new function needed for it. If someone wants to add a article-part to an order it needs to check if that part goes with the orders-article, clear huh :P

coffeemachine A has a bucket X, but that bucket X goes with coffeemachine B and not A (doesnt fit)

im using nav 3.70, tables production BOM line, Service Item Line writing code in Visual Basic with the ocx

on BOM there are 2 keys active. The problem is that i need key 2 for this function.

So in cfront i set the keys right with setcurrentkey
then i prepare a record with the articlenr and the type (standart article)
then findrecord with 3rd param as '='

but it doesnt find any records. I think the problem is with setcurrentkey. it gives an error when i use wrong params, with good params it doesnt give errors :P )

It's not a clear story but can anyone give me help with the setcurrentkey?

(the reason i dont use the first key is that i dont have a fielddata of line nr. That number is completly random, its not recorded anywhere :X)


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    I am not an expert of CFRONT. Never used it actually.
    But I think you should try to use '-' as third parameter.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • PoweRoyPoweRoy Member Posts: 43
    hmm thx for bumping me in the right direction
    clear mind after the weekend helps a lot :D

    had to use "-" indeed but i needed to use the setfilter function (wich i forgot) now it works \:D/
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