Need help about Remote Connectivity Issue.

nav_devpnav_devp Member Posts: 47
Hi All,
This is regarding connectivity from remote sites,
(I already had a look in history posts ) :)
Our customer has 10 remore locations and from each location maximum 2-3 user will access the Navision concurrenly.
All these locations will be entering daily vouchers and seldom few sales and Purchase Orders.
They can have 64KBPS/256KBPS broadband connection at each location.
Now question is shall they go for,
TS or Citrix or is there anyother way to connect other than TS/Citrix.
with above mentioned bandwith will there be any problem with report printing ???

Please suggest.
Thanks in advance.


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    TS or Citrix is the solution for this kind of problem.
    Printing to a local printer (local for the remote sites) can be a problem, because the printerdata is generated on the server and then has to be send to the remote site.
    So I suggest for the big reports to do it when no one is working (pauses, evening or using NAS to do these reports during the night).
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Alain is right, TS or Citrix is by far the preferred way to connect remotely. For large reports you could also consider using a PDF printer to a network folder and then downloading it to your computer.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    DenSter wrote:
    Alain is right, TS or Citrix is by far the preferred way to connect remotely. For large reports you could also consider using a PDF printer to a network folder and then downloading it to your computer.
    Or having it send by email by the printing process.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • nav_devpnav_devp Member Posts: 47
    Hi both,
    thanks for your quick replies.
    Looking at cost involved(as well as suggestion from you guys) it seems TS would be a right option for the customer at this moment(In future if need arises they can always go for CITRIX,as anyway TS would be required by then as CITRIX sits on TOP of WTS)
    As I had seen on some posts on forum , there seems to be a concern with TS when it comes to printing on local printer. Does this problem still there,yes? is there any way to overcome it?
    Either with TS or Citrix, what should be the minimum configuration for the remote workstation; I read that Win98 will do as well, is it?

    Thanks in advance.
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Read the replies in this thread and you will see a few suggestions for the printing issues.
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    2 - 3 light users, you should not have problems with printing invoices, purchase orders and even reports.

    do not get the 64kps line or you will have problems, that is not enough bandwith, get the 256kbps line at a minimum that should easily support 2 - 3 users

    Our closest location that matches your description has a 384kbps line and 6 heavy users, they use Navision all day to access inventory screens, run sales orders and quotes, ship and invoice Sales orders, create po's and recieve ect. They do probably a hundred invoices a day, and create a few dozen po, and receive an equal number.

    Our configuration is a small business server at corporate, a separate terminal server and a separate navision server. The users log onto Terminal server and run outlook and Navision, as well as the suite on their terminal server session. Most also, access the internet through the terminal server session. rather then locally at their location. the only thing at several locations are winterm clients and a router, so they have nothing at the branchs that can even dirrectly access the internet, the winterm connects to the corporate office.

    We have 5 other locations with 3 - 4 users with an ADSL line with a speed of 1.5k/384 they run navision easily. I regularly send reports to their printers 100 plus pages without problem.

    We use just Terminal server, not citrix, we thought the same as you, start with terminal server and if needed add citrix, in the last 6 years we have not found the need for citrix.
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