A clients users are connecting to a 3.70 SQL Server via Citrix from different time zones and are running reports which calculate a ‘time total’. Naturally different values are being returned (due to the time difference). Microsoft Dynamics have stated that Navision is not designed to use the server time, only client time and they cannot provide a resolution. They have made a suggestion regarding Citrix but this is not appropriate in the circumstances.
Does anyone know of a command / code that can be used to force a report to use the Server Time and not the Client Time?
I'm sorry for my ignorance.
You can try to make your own table that save date and time on server and the table can be access by client.
Or you can access through SQL Server if you use it as database via store procedure.
I hope this can help.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Give to users option to choose time zone, create codeunit or somehting that will calculate time on the "server" and than applicate that code to wherever you want.
Ofcourse, you will have to watch out for few details, What is reference time (Zero zone), Cause you have client time, you will have to reverse calculating from normal, To watch out for timezones that does not have summer/winter tima differences, etc...
You can tell citrix to use the clients time and timezone for every session. Navision client will follow.
Kick-ICT / KICK Solutions