Dear All,
I would like to ask you about the separating of production order - list based on its status. I've seen the production order - list report but it lists mix production order status in one page, I would like to separate it, if I run prod. order - list report without filtering its number and status, the report generated will display mix prod. order line per line, but I want like as follows:
No. Description source no. qty
Status : Firm Planned
10100 Cabling for LS-100 C-100 5
10101 item sub-assembly A-100 5
total 10
Status : Released
10102 New item W12 W1211 4
10103 Parent item A1 A1201 4
total 8
Status : Finished
10110 Good item q1 Q1111 5
10111 Sales item M16A1 WS22 3
total 8
Will it possible to create or changes the production order - list report like above form ? If yes, could you tell me how to do it ? tks a lot beforehand