JDE Data Migration

jesterchrisjesterchris Member Posts: 21
I'm looking to migrate data from a JDE system for form 5050 Contact Card and was wondering if anyone knows the table sequence. I don't wanna re-invent the wheel. Thanx


  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    I think you should consider biztalk server and there are many topics has discussed it,you could use search feature in this mibuso. Is that what you mean ?

    Johnson Alonso

    "cowboys from hell"
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    The source table for that form is table 5050 - Contact. open that table in design mode and find out the field definitions. I don't think you should be using Biztalk for a data migration by the way. Simple text exports should do the trick just fine.
  • jesterchrisjesterchris Member Posts: 21
    Thanx guys, I'm new to Navision. I'm getting more experience by the day. I'll be participating in several migrations real soon so I'm interested in any tools/objects/documents/advice you are willing to share. Thanx in advance.
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Read the Application Designer's Guide, try to get the development training material, browse the C/SIDE Reference Guide (under the help menu), and most of all, open existing objects in the object designer and figure out how things are done. Open a new sales order for instance and run the debugger, see how a new number is created from the numbering series.

    If you want to migrate journal lines in, enter a journal line manually with the debugger on and track which fields are modified, which fields have big validation routines, and use that to replicate the process in your migration. And whatever you do, do youself a favor and DO NOT migrate directly into ANY ledger. ALWAYS use either the documents or a journal and POST them through the Navision posting routines.
  • jesterchrisjesterchris Member Posts: 21
    Thanx DenSter, I have read through the suggested material and passed the Install/Config, DEVI, and DEVII exams. I'll be working on Financials possibly next. I've been searching for import specifications/requirements and existing objects in effort to avoid reinventing the wheel. I'm not looking to be spoon fed, but having to figure out everything from scratch seems to be inefficient. Do you know of anyone in the MBS community willing to share documentation and/or objects they have created regarding migrations? Thanx in advance.
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    I don't know if anyone has those type of documents laying around, I sure don't. It is so specific for each customer that there is not very much use to have standard procedures, unless that is something you do regularly. Even if I had those routines I would not share then, because they are not mine to share. What I do with Navision is for my work and for customers, and that stuff is their property. I would get into big doodoo if I shared that kind of development.
  • jesterchrisjesterchris Member Posts: 21
    I think I'm having difficulty explaining my needs. I do understand your position on sharing proprietary or customer property but that is not what I am looking for. "Out of the box Navision" has basic requirements for data and that is what I need. Table A has no other table dependencies but the required columns are 1,2,5,7, and 9. Table B requires parent data in table A as well as required columns 1,2, 4, and 11. That is just one of many potential examples that has absoulutely nothing to do with customers nor should it be different until a new release comes out with schema changes. Perhaps I'm missing something here but it seems very basic to me. ERD diagrams anywhere?

    Navision is a nice product from an end user prospective but I'm getting more and more discouraged at the developer/admin perspective week after week. I don't know how I'm gonna get all this data moved over in a timely fashion at this point. Thanx anyway for your help DenSter.
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Database logical design is missing, yes, but either you can set a maintain relationships on an SQL server database creation which will create foreign keys and then use a third party tool to draw the ERD, or use Developer's Toolkit, or, what's better, have a consultant who is experienced in some ERP systems and therefore can guess which are the typical data and what are the typical relationships.

    Every reasonable ERP system has f.e. 1:N relationship between items and units of measure etc. And actually another problem is that if data requirements are not defined by the data migration phase, that's a big problem, analysis and design phases should cover that. I would suggest to postpone the go-live, find a consultant experienced in ERP systems, and design a solution before going live.

    I think the real reason ERD is not provided because they want to motivate you to design what kind of system you want. If it's done, then it's fairly easy to find out that 80% of is already done in the standard.
  • SajSaj Member Posts: 11
    JesterChris are you migrating from World or OneWorld?
  • jesterchrisjesterchris Member Posts: 21
    Thank you all for your replies. I have been very busy learning these systems and planning the work ahead. I have found many answers to questions on this site so thanx to all.

    We will be migrating OneWorld clients probably starting late this year or early 2007. Currently I'm working on two clients both on mainly KMA plus some data here, some there. One actually has data in eight different systems. I'm sure you all know how it goes. Thanx again.
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