I am experiencing an intermittent issue when connecting to Navision via Remote Desktop Connection.
The clients are Windows XP and the servers are both Windows 2003.
Normally everything works fine; however, occasionally the Navision window goes completely grey in the RDP session.
It seems that if the RDP session is minimized for any length of time and is then returned to, the Navision window may turn completely grey and the only options are to end the task or log off the computer.
Other program windows do not seem to be affected but I am not 100% sure of this statement. Primarily, Navision is the only program run in this fashion in our organization.
A confirmation box may be displayed from Navision when a conflict occurs when attempting to end the task (i.e. object cannot be closed because another object is locked, etc.)
I have tried to refresh the screen without success.
Does anyone have any ideas what may be causing this or know of a way to 'refresh' the window without having to end the task :?: ?
Thank you,
Navision has feature, which lock Navision if you for example suspend your PC (notebook). After wake the Navision shows the login dialog to re-login into Navision. may be that this is called when you minimize the window...
MVP - Dynamics NAV