Description is missing in the Item Ledger

zeninolegzeninoleg Member Posts: 236
Hi everybody,
We are using Navision 3.70. I have a question regarding the Item Journal posting routine. Why the Item Description is not always being transfered from the Item Journal to the Item Ledger? Codeunit 22 has this peice of code:
ItemLedgEntry.Description := Description;
IF ItemLedgEntry.Description = Item.Description THEN
ItemLedgEntry.Description := '';
I am just wondering what is the logic behind this? My guess is that it only transferes the Description that is different from the Item card. But why?
Does anybody has any ideas regarding this issue?
Best Regards,


  • hedegaardhedegaard Member Posts: 25
    This same line of code can be found in Codeunit 22 back in the early versions of Navision.

    I have just found it in a Navision 3.56a which is a DOS version from the late 80's.

    This is just proof of how the code has been converted and kept as is without any deeper consideration for a loooooooong time.

    But it is also the reason we can convert customers on that version to Navision 4.0 SP2 \:D/

  • Luc_VanDyckLuc_VanDyck Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 3,633
    This is by design.

    The on-line help of the field Description mentions:
    If the description is the same as the item's description, then the field will be empty.
    I presume it's pretty boring to read the same Item Description over and over again in the Item Ledger Entry table :-) That's why it's only filled in when it's different then the one from the Item Card.
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  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    It also saves space.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    ara3n wrote:
    It also saves space.

    I think this was orriginaly the idea. Back in the old days you had to pay for every 100mb database space. Imagine... 8-[
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Well now a days companies charge per cpu for their software, in several years we'll have 6-8 cores in cpu's, and this practice will disappear as well.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    hedegaard wrote:
    This is just proof of how the code has been converted and kept as is without any deeper consideration for a loooooooong time.
    I don't know what to do with a remark like that. How do you know they didn't have a 4 hour meeting about keeping that field like it is? It's one thing to change something to keep up with current technology or with current ways of thinking, but you shouldn't change just for change's sake. Posting to the Item ledger hasn't really changed very much over the past few decades has it?
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