Default Report In Navision

MadhanMadhan Member Posts: 96
Great Day All

I have to create a report called "Stock Ledger - Item wise". using the table Item and Item ledger entry.

I like to know, Is there any default report in Navision.

can any one help me



  • SunsetSunset Member Posts: 201
    What do you need the report to show ?

    One option is 706 - Status
    Onother is 704 - Inventory - Transaction Detail
    Don't just take my word for it, test it yourself
  • MadhanMadhan Member Posts: 96

    Thanx for the reply......I need the report to show as
    ledger entry details with the receipts and issues.........

    I mean the
    if the
    Entry type = Purchase, Postive adjustment, output journal,
    Transfer(If it is postive) should come in the receipts and
    Entry type = sale, consumption, negative, Transfer(If it is negative) should come in the Issues.
  • SunsetSunset Member Posts: 201
    Still not sure what you mean (Probably dur to the fact that I never work in the english version)

    Is it something like 10 - Closing Trial Balance, but for item ? If not is there any similar report for another module so that I can see what you mean.
    Don't just take my word for it, test it yourself
  • colingbradleycolingbradley Member Posts: 162
    One of the very first things I did many years ago when getting hold of Navision, was to run every report for myself to see what it did.

    If you have the licence to do so, also open each report you think may be of interest in designer mode and check out how it works.

    This may be costly to you in time at the beginning but will pay back big time later on.
    Experience is what you get when you hoped to get money
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