Date Not Valid

RobbieXRobbieX Member Posts: 66
Although not a big problem, it is a bit irritating...
We are running Navision 4 with a Navision Server and 15 users.
When we close Navision 4 on any client, regardless which licence is used, there is an error message which reads: "Date Not Valid"
Does anyone know why?
Maybe it's related to the ZUP file because there is never a message asking if we'd like to update this?
I'd like to stop this from happening.....any ideas?


  • yfkohyfkoh Member Posts: 25
    I also encountered that before in Navision V4, but SP 1 doesn't have this error.

    The error could due to "Register Time" setting in
    Administration --> Application Setup --> User Setup

    If you have set the user id here and "Register Time" is ticked, then when user closed Navision, it prompt error. I believe it is a Navision standard bug.

    If you found any fix for it, please let me know also ya.

    Best regards,
    YF Koh
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I highly recommend you to upgrade to SP1, better is to SP2 (but this is not available for all countries yet)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • danlindstromdanlindstrom Member Posts: 130
    If you want to wait for SP2 then I strongly suggest to use Update1 hotfix.
    The Date error is an application error in fin.exe and finsql.exe

    fin.exe pre Update1 doesn't store the date when you log in into Nav and during logout Nav is trying to to compare the dates IF time register is enabled the way yfkoh described
    Dan Lindström
    NCSD Navision 2.00 since 1999 (Navision Certified Solution Developer)
    MBSP Developer for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009
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