Hi, i have used to navision development toolkit to merge the following exports:
4.0 base
custom 4.0 base
4.0 Sp1 base
Now i have a beautiful text file and im trying to import it into a sp1 cronus database. But, when i try to do this i get the following error:
The Picture of the Error
Anyone know what to do about this ?
Try to use the last version of the toolkit.
If you still have the error, open the textfile with an editor and delete the string for maintaining SIFT-levels (the import says on which line there was an error). When all has been imported, you can add the SIFT-levels to maintain manually.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
First be sure that you are using latest version of NDT. Second - it is why I am not using NDT for merging. There are syntax problems since the first version :-)
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I don't use NDT, I prefer manual merging too (with Beyond Compare).