
MadhanMadhan Member Posts: 96
Great Day All,

How to convert a dateformula field to text or code.

For eg:

1. I am having a dateformula field of value 12M. I want the output as
12 Months.

2. If the value of the dateformula field is 12D. I want the output as
12 Days.

3. If the value of the dateformula field is 12Y. I want the output as
12 Years.

can any one help me.


  • jhoekjhoek Member Posts: 216
    As far as I know, there's no possibility to do that in the run-time - I'm afraid you'll have to write your own parsing/formatting logic. Please take into account that the date formula's you use in your examples are relatively simple: more complex formula's could potentially be quite difficult to describe in normal language.

    Good luck!
    Kind regards,

    Jan Hoek
    Product Developer
    Mprise Products B.V.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    You can use FORMAT to put them in a string so it is easier to parse them, but remember that the characters can be different in different languages.
    Something a lot of people seem to forget (even the Navision W1-developers).
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • MadhanMadhan Member Posts: 96
    Hi kriki,

    Using format function i have converted my dateformula field to string. Then, after that how to proceed further to reach my output what i want?

    can you guide me.... :wink:
  • MadhanMadhan Member Posts: 96
    Thanx for you clue. I got the solutions......Thax a lot
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    A few examples of possible dateformulas (in english):
    -12D = minus 12 days
    +4M = plus 4 months
    30D = 30 days
    2W = 2 weeks
    CM+10D = Current month plus 10 days
    CM+1M = Current month plus one month
    CQ+1M+20D=Current quarter plus one month plus 20 days
    CW+1W = Current week plus one week
    D15 = On the 15th of each month
    M12 = on the 12th month

    So we have to do a lot. I will not write all code (I'll also use some pseudocode).
    And I didn't test anything, but at least you will have a good start
    txtString := FORMAT(TheDateFormula);
    txtResult := '';
    WHILE txtString <> '' DO BEGIN
      txtToken := GetToken();
      CASE txtToken OF
        'CM': txtResult := txtResult + ' ' + 'Current Month';
        'CQ': txtResult := txtResult + ' ' + 'Current Quarter';
        '+': txtResult := txtResult + ' ' + 'plus';
        '-': txtResult := txtResult + ' ' + 'minus';
        'D': txtResult := txtResult + ' ' + 'day(s)';
        'M': txtResult := txtResult + ' ' + 'month(s)';
        ELSE BEGIN
          // remaining are 1,12,123,D1,D15,M12
          IF COPYSTR(txtToken,1,1) IN ['0'..'9'] THEN
            txtResult := txtResult + ' ' + txtToken
          ELSE BEGIN
            // remaining are D1,D15,M12
            IF COPYSTR(txtToken,1,1) = 'D' THEN
              txtResult := txtResult + ' ' + 
                STRSUBSTNO('On the %1th of each month',COPYSTR(txtToken,2));
            ELSE IF COPYSTR(txtToken,1,1) = 'D' THEN
              txtResult := txtResult + ' ' + 
                STRSUBSTNO('on the %1th month',COPYSTR(txtToken,2));
              ERROR('Unknown Token:%1',txtToken);

    Function "GetToken":
    This function gets a substring and returns it.
    The substring can exist of 1 or more chars. The chars must belong together.
    Tokens can be:

    When you have the token, the chars must be removed from txtString.
    Some code:
    IF COPYSTR(txtString,1,2) IN ['CM','CQ','CW'] THEN BEGIN
      OtxtReturnValue := COPYSTR(txtString,1,2);
      txtString := COPYSTR(txtString,3);
    IF COPYSTR(txtString,1) IN ['+','-'] THEN BEGIN
      OtxtReturnValue := COPYSTR(txtString,1,1);
      txtString := COPYSTR(txtString,2);
    IF COPYSTR(txtString,1) IN ['0'..'9'] THEN BEGIN
      OtxtReturnValue := take the complete string of numbers
      txtString := COPYSTR(txtString,...);
    IF COPYSTR(txtString,1) IN ['D','M','Y','Q'] THEN BEGIN
      txtHelp := COPYSTR(txtString,1,1);
      txtString := COPYSTR(txtString,2);
      IF NOT(COPYSTR(txtString,1) IN ['0'..'9']) THEN BEGIN
        // I only have D,M,...
        OtxtReturnValue := txtHelp;
        // I have something like D15 or M12 or D1
        txtHelp2 := GetToken();  // We're going recursive here and have something like 15,12,1 as return-value
        OtxtReturnValue := txtHelp + txtHelp2; // so our returnvalue will be D15 or M12 or D1
    ERROR('Unable to intpret the following string:%1',txtString);
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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