Dear All,
In the next several days, there will be a seminar discussing about "modern inventory management" in a certain place here in Jakarta Indonesia, I read it in news paper yesterday. The person who will talk and give the explanation about it is an expert and he is a member of American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS-US) and IPOM. The topics listed are many and one of them is two-bins system, I would like to ask you to give me an explanation about this if you could, about the capability of navision to implement "modern inventory management" including two-bins system. May I know what functionality and or features in navision support this modern inventory management ? Indeed, I doubt that I can attend the seminar and I don't read a literature about it yet.
Johnson Alonso
There are add-ons for the WMS which use Item/Bin Allocation codes for the bins and items, so you can use "Directed put-away and pick" but only the two bins allocated to the item via this code will be used in the put-away process.
1. modern inventory planning
2. inventory classification: Pareto (ABC), VEIN & others
3. Inventory cost
4. Service level determination
5. One-period inventory model
6. Fixed Qty inventory model : Lot sizing & EOQ
7. Minimum-Maximum Inventory System
8. Two-bin inventory system
9. Fixed-Period Inventory Model
No. 8, 6, 7 and 3 are clear to me right now and where they are in NAvision, but the others I can't see in navision or they are available, I don't know. I would like to ask you all here and tks again.
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