Child Company

Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
Hi Experts I have a question for you. If one cooperate company has 40 or more sub companies, What is the best way to link them together so that we just input the Corporate No and retrieve all its related sub companies sale information. We have everything set up already. My idea is to add a Parent ID to the Customer, Customer Ledger Entry, Sales header, sales invoice header, Sales Credit header Tables. In the report, we enter the Parent ID and retrieve all the related information. Any good suggestions? Thanks in advance!


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    edited 2006-04-05
    I guess there are several ways to accomplish this.

    The Parent-Child relationship is something we use due to the fact back when we got 3.10B we got an add-on called "fast-cash" that had that. But it's used mostly for payments. When the one check arrives you enter the parent cust# and all the open entries for the child companies lists so you can pay it accross different customer #'s. I thought the newer versions would already have that built-in by now (maybe someone with ver4 can verify that)

    How about one cust# and the child accounts are set-up as ship-to's

    How about simply changing the Bill-To account # to Parent Company's # on all the child accounts.

    The last way and seems to be the easist if you already have them listed as seperate accounts, and what we use most, is the
    Global Dimensions. Since it's already part of most reports you can make a special dimension code for these accounts to link them.

    I guess it depends on how complicated you want to get. Do you just want it for Sales Reports?
  • Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
    Thanks! I need it for the sales report to see how much sales under one parent ID. It seems that we can't set up the dimension as we don't have the licence. If we add them to the ship to, we can't calulate the total sales. Please help!
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Thanks! I need it for the sales report to see how much sales under one parent ID. It seems that we can't set up the dimension as we don't have the licence. If we add them to the ship to, we can't calulate the total sales. Please help!

    Navision gives you 2 dimention to play with (you can buy a gran for more) Maybe one of the other guys can verify that!
    G/L Setup->Dimensions->Dimension

    What do you mean you can't calculate the total sales if all the child accounts are set as ship-to's?

    If it's all one account it should be easy.!?
  • Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
    Thanks Harry! To my understanding Shi-to is a new field for instance called AAA01 and all the chidrern are connected with it. Is it right? Thanks!
  • Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
    We can't play any of the dimensions.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    You have a customer - say it's the Headquaters (McDonald's).
    You give them a customer#.
    On the Customer Card goto the "Customer" button goto "Ship-To Addresses"

    Here you can create all franchises. Each code will be a different address

    It's all being Billed to ONE account. All that's done is on the Sales Header you change the Ship-To Code and the order goes to the proper store. Yet all sales are still listed under the one customer#. So all you have to do is run sales reports for that one customer#. I hope this made sence.

    This is from the Online Help:
    Ship-to Address Table

    When a customer orders items, he or she does not always want them shipped to the same address. When you set up orders, invoices and credit memos, you may need to choose from among various shipping addresses. You use the Ship-to Address table to keep track of this.

    To find information in the Ship-to Address table, select Main Menu, Sales & Receivables, Customers. Then when you are looking at the card for the customer you want, click the Customer button and select Ship-to Addresses. The program will display a ship-to address for that customer. To see all the ship-to addresses that exist for that customer, click the Address button and select List.

    The Ship-to Address table can contain several ship-to addresses for each customer. A code representing information such as customer number and name is linked to each address. When you set up quotes, orders, invoices and credit memos, you can enter a ship-to code in the Ship-to Code field on the sales header; this will determine the ship-to address for the particular situation.

    After you enter the code in the Ship-to Code field on quotes, orders, invoices or credit memos, the program will enter the information about the ship-to address, such as name, address, and so on. The ship-to information will then appear on printouts. For drop shipments, you can also use ship-to codes on purchase orders.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Do you have them set up as all seperate accounts?
    & does it NEED to be that way?
    Please specify
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    edited 2006-04-05
    basic dimensions cost $400 here in the US, and that allows you access to two dimensions, if you had departments and projects in Nav 2.x. you would receive the basic dimensions in place of that for 3.x and up

    $400 dollars for the granule will be a lot cheaper then paying for programing.

    Advanced dimensions, cost around $3000 I believe and that gives you unlimited dimensions.

    Ship-tos would work also. very easy to use.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Thanks for the Dimension clarification. I guess we paid the $400 bucks..It's been so many years who remembers :oops: :roll:
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    And yet another method, which is what you are leaning to, is there already is a field on the customer table called "Chain name", by defualt it is not on the customer card, but can easily be added, then you can enter the chain name there, and filter your reports on that,

    this would require little programing.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Savatage wrote:
    I thought the newer versions would already have that built-in by now (maybe someone with ver4 can verify that)

    How about one cust# and the child accounts are set-up as ship-to's

    How about simply changing the Bill-To account # to Parent Company's # on all the child accounts.

    I knew that would have been built-in by now "Chain Name" huh?
    It's funny when you spend some much time modifing and It comes out on the future releases O:)
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    Savatage wrote:
    Savatage wrote:
    I thought the newer versions would already have that built-in by now (maybe someone with ver4 can verify that)

    How about one cust# and the child accounts are set-up as ship-to's

    How about simply changing the Bill-To account # to Parent Company's # on all the child accounts.

    I knew that would have been built-in by now "Chain Name" huh?
    It's funny when you spend some much time modifing and It comes out on the future releases O:)

    Actually chain name is in 2.0, we have used it since then.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    we upgraded from 2.0 to 4.0 maybe because it was already in our database it carried over. It may in fact be gone from the standard navision.
  • Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
    Thank you for all your solutions, experts! Before I tested your solution, I have another question for you. If I want to add these information under the ship-to, but still keep them separate, does it work? Second, if I create a report calculating the sales based on the sales Invoice header & Line and Sales Credit Header & line and Customer Ledger Entry tables, can it retrieve the information like the following since there's no sales under each individual account(my thought). After I type in AA01(Parent ID), Is it possible to retrieve the output of the report like this :
    AA01 Sales History

    Item Quantity Amount

    ITEM Quantity Amount

    ITEM Quantity Amount

    Total ____________

  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Savatage:I checked versions 2.00,2.60F,3.01B,3.10A,3.60,3.70,4.0SP1 and it all had the field in it.
    It is field 18:"Chain Name" in table 18:"Customer".

    Navi LearnerShip-to : if you use this, it is difficult to keep it separate, because the field "Ship-to" doesn't exist on the sales lines and neither in item ledger entry.
    The report you want to make is possible, but you always have to refer to the shipment header or the invoice header because the field "Ship-to" doesn't exist.....I'm starting to repeat myself....
    BTW with field "Chain Name" you have the same problem.

    So in case you have different customers (=sell-to addresses) but always the same customer(=bill-to address) that pays the invoices of itself and the others, I would try with different sell-to addresses and the same bill-to address for all of them. Both "Sell-to Customer No." and "Bill-to Customer No." can be found on the shipment- and invoice lines.
    On the item ledger entries, you find only "Sell-to Customer No." (in field "Source No.").
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Thanks Kriki I see the Field Now.

    --As you can see there are a few ways of dealing with this.
    It's up to you to figure out what is best for your situation.
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