Hit there,
in my application the user should be able to select a directory name from a window. I have tried the Common Dialog Management in the codeunit 412, but it is not the right, because I can only get filenames and not directory names.
Do you have a hint for me? Thank you very much!
Best regards
Mit leerem Kopf nickt's sich leichter.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
Thank you, Waldo! It's a very good hint. But do you know, how I can get the focus on the opened window? After opening the folder-selecting-window, the navision application is first on focus and the user must search the folder-selecting-window, to make his selection.
Thanks everybody for helping.
Best regards
Here is an URL of what we always use: :-$
I think we also got it from somewhere on Mibuso. Hope this helps you a bit further...
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
This tiny automation server retrieves the window handle for the active window. Most automation servers & custom controls that display a dialog require this value; they use it to identify the parent window for their dialog.
E.g. using the Shell object in the 'Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation' automation server, you can display a Browse for Folder dialog. Pass ActiveWindow.Handle as the first parameter of the BrowseForFolder method, and the dialog will sit on top of the Navision Attain application window.
This codeunit demonstrates how to use the 'Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation' automation server, together with my 'C/SIDE Utility Classes' to display an application-modal Browse for Folder dialog.
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
no .rar opener needed with the mibuso link.