Here is my situation, I have Nav4 SP1 installed and working with Employee Portal, in a table on the validation of a field I'm sending an email using the CU Mail. When the validation is done from Navision everything is good, when the I'm calling it from the Employee Portal I get this error.
Navision error (10500): This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not create an instance of the OLE control or Automation server identified by GUID={A378E78B-5DB6-45E9-B598-9ED74A7CCCE1} 1.0:{30E9A1F9-9B22-4D26-91CF-C6CC2D9BC2D9}:'Navision Attain Hash 1.0'.BSTRConverter. Check that the OLE control or Automation server is correctly installed and registered.
I don't undersand because it should be using the same automation server if the code is triggered from directly Navision or by a call from employee Portal which in turn calls the trigger in Navision. Note that both tests are executed from the server.
1) When installing NEP, you do not need to install Navision client and it means that some DLLs are not installed. Try to install Navision client on the NEP server machine
2) NAS is service without gui, it means each component accessing GUI has problems, for example the Confirm dialog about accessing outlook...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
The client is already installed on the server, thats why I don't understand, I'm running both tests from the server machine, the one from NEP and the one from from Navision itself. There should be no problem as far is GUI is concerned because I'm sending the EMail without the display option on, so there is no confirm.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
another problem may be that some DLLs are installed and registered in the client folder, but they are NOT in the NAS folder.
The best way to test where the problem is coming from:
1.) Create a form in NAV
2.) Add a Button on it
3.) Beyond the push trigger
a.) Create a local var e.g. COD1 referencing to Codeunit 1
b.) call COD1.NASHandler('HereComesYourNASParameter');
HereComesYourNASParameter is usually NEP-1.
Then stop the NAS, open the form and run the NAS functionality with your client. Then you can test, if there is any GUI interaction (Message Box, CONFIRM,...).
If it is working from the client, then there are only two possibilities left:
- Missing DLL in the NAS folder
- The DLL is using something which requires a GUI (which the NAS does not have).