Hello everybody,
I have to make a report based on two dataitems:
- Customer Posting Group (Dataitem Indent = 0)
- Customer (Dataitem Indent = 1)
In the property "Dataitem link" of the dataitem Customer i typed :
Customer Posting Group=FIELD(Code)
When i run the report and select a Code from the tabe "Customer Posting Group" i want to have only the list of customers that are in this group but still got all the customers.
How to do? :-k
Customer Posting Group=FIELD(Code)
Will relate each customer record to each customer posting group record
but of course you will see all the customers because every customer has a customer posting group and you are looping through every customer posting group.
you have to set another filter on which customer posting groups you want to see, and you will probably do that when you run the report.
In the Cusotmer Posting Group tab, just click f6, select Code. In the next field, select the code you want to filter on.
In my report i have two TABS
1- "Cutomer Posting Group" in wich we select a Cutomer Posting Group Code
2- "Customer" in which we select Customer No.
I just want to have this:
When i select a Cutomer Posting Group Code in the TAB Cutomer Posting Group i want to have only the list of customers that are in this group when i select a customer from Customer TAB.
Please how can i do this? :?
If you only want to view customers of a given posting group, it sounds like you have everythign you need written.
Make sure a property on the reporty (go to a blank data item and view properties) is set: userequestform = yes
When you run the report, on the form that appears, hit f6, select code. in the field next to it, enter the code you want to filter on.
i have made a report according to your requirement and it's working as u want. What i hv done is:
i took both the dataitems in the report and customer data item is indented under cust. posting group. data item link is
Customer Posting Group=FIELD(Code).
nowat runtime i took code=domestic on cust. posting group tab and i got only those customers for whom cust. posting group is domestic. try once again or give me your id i will send you the fob.
That's what i've done exactly but that doesn't work . If you can send me the FOB to this adress d_hazem@yahoo.fr that will be so helpful for me and please give it 50051 as an ID. THANKS A LOT
When i select a Customer Group Posting Code (For example "France") i want, when i select a customer from Customer TAB, to have only the list of customers that are in this group displayed.
I don't understand where i made the mistake?!!!
Does it work as i said when you run the report on your computer?
Can you explain it a little bit please