We have NAS-Service that send mail via MAPI. This works fine as long as the service is started with my Login on my Machine (Note: of course this is an experimental installation).
If I run the service with user xy I get the error: The call to member SignOn Failed. It returned the ffw. message "Login has Failed".
Other functions are performed ok in NAS, only MAPI fails.
We use WinXP Pro and Outlook 2000 with Exchange.
The user xy can login on my machine, read and write emails and therefore has setup an exchange profile.
Eventually when the code goes into production, the NAS will run on a server and will start with a special user created for this task. This is the same situation I'm testing now on my machine.
IF (MAPISession.SessionID = 0) THEN
MAPISession.UserName := Setup."NAS E-Mail Profile Name";
MAPISession.LogonUI := FALSE;
I wonder what E-Mail Profile will be taken for the Login. The one from the setup just reads "MS Exchange Einstellungen". So if the service runs under my account it takes just that -- when the service runs under another account it may uses the same? ](*,)
Any input will be appreciated.
Same problem when using BizTalkMail.newmessage:
Works if nas is running under current user of the machine.