During an uprade process from NF2.60 to Navision 4.00 there is a step that runs codeunit 104048 to transfert data.
The problem is that this step take so much time ( a week ) on a 8Go database.
What could I do to make it faster?
A few things you can do:
-In table 104037:"State Indicator", function "Update()". This is the code I changed (this table is imported twice, so you have to do it twice):
RecordNo := RecordNo + 1L;
TableRecordNo := TableRecordNo + 1L;
IF ABS(TIME - LastUpdateTime) > 3000 THEN
// OLD CODE IF ABS(TIME - LastUpdateTime) > 100 THEN
-Check out the bigger tables (at least 50000 records) and which indexes are used in the codeunits.
-restore : when Navision starts creating the indexes, stop it. Delete the indexes you won't need (import the fob [created before] without those unneeded indexes) and continue the restore.
-when importing the fob with all 4.0-objects: for the tables:you should have created a fob in which unneeded indexes (for the upgrade) are deleted.
-After all codeunits have been run, import 4.0 objects with ALL indexes.
Explanation:When Navision inserts/deletes/modifies data, it is best that Navision doesn't have to maintain all indexes. This slows down a lot. It is a lot faster to maintain these by creating them in 1 go instead of record-by record.
Regards,Alain Krikilion No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
First of all, you need to upgrade 2.0 to 2.6 before you upgrade to 4.0.
Second of all, if you are upgrading using the toolkit on the 4.0 disk, the problem is in the LocationHas Bins functions. You either need to create a key and use it, or bypass the function all together if you don't use locations or bins, or locations with bins
Search the forum about this -- the answers are there.
However, I believer this issue was fixed in a later version of the Toolkit. I think the upgrade toolkit has had several (3?) since then, so be sure to check PartnerSource that you have the latest.
Also, why are you upgrading to 4.0 instead of 4.01?
-In table 104037:"State Indicator", function "Update()". This is the code I changed (this table is imported twice, so you have to do it twice):
-Check out the bigger tables (at least 50000 records) and which indexes are used in the codeunits.
-restore : when Navision starts creating the indexes, stop it. Delete the indexes you won't need (import the fob [created before] without those unneeded indexes) and continue the restore.
-when importing the fob with all 4.0-objects: for the tables:you should have created a fob in which unneeded indexes (for the upgrade) are deleted.
-After all codeunits have been run, import 4.0 objects with ALL indexes.
Explanation:When Navision inserts/deletes/modifies data, it is best that Navision doesn't have to maintain all indexes. This slows down a lot. It is a lot faster to maintain these by creating them in 1 go instead of record-by record.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
First of all, you need to upgrade 2.0 to 2.6 before you upgrade to 4.0.
Second of all, if you are upgrading using the toolkit on the 4.0 disk, the problem is in the LocationHas Bins functions. You either need to create a key and use it, or bypass the function all together if you don't use locations or bins, or locations with bins
Search the forum about this -- the answers are there.
However, I believer this issue was fixed in a later version of the Toolkit. I think the upgrade toolkit has had several (3?) since then, so be sure to check PartnerSource that you have the latest.
Also, why are you upgrading to 4.0 instead of 4.01?
it works well!!!!