Hi, I need new key in table G/L Entry : "Document No.,Posting Date, Source Type, Source No.".
There is one secondary key "Document No.,Posting Date" in the G/L Entry. Is it better to extend existing key with addition fields, or add new key?
Andrejs Muraskins
If they are only to put some extra filters, it is not even necessary to add them to the key (or make a new key).
If you put a filter on "Document No.", you already limit a lot to the records. Adding fields to the key (or a new key) slows down write-performance and adds only a little to read-performance.
Without extra fields, write-performance doesn't slow down and read-performance almost don't suffer anyway.
In case you need to sort on the new fields, you can add these fields to the existing key. This is not the case for all keys. But this key is only used in the Navigation-form, so no problem.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Now, i see that problem could be devided in two parts:
1) I need filter, but on key "Posting Date, Source Type, Source No.";
2) Then I need to open form with key "Document No., Posting Date".
I decide to make new key "Posting Date, Source Type, Source No."
Why? For performance reasons :
1) Try to keep dates as last field in a key
2) Try to get as first field, the field that retains least fields (except ofcourse date-fields).
I explain this last one:
-There are only 5 different values for "Source Type". So a filter on it will retain still 20% (on average) of all the records.
-"Source No." : there are a lot more values for this (lets say you have 10000 different values between customers+vendors+banks+fixed assets. So on average you only have 0.01% (on average) of all the records!
-"Posting date":no good because of rule 1.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!