We have a navision 3.70 version running (sql 2000 database). We now want for EDI to use XML-ports. However, we do not want to upgrade right now to 4.00sp1 (because users did just start with this application). But we see in our license that we have rights to use the XML-ports. Because of the 3.70 client this can't be used. On a test envirement we opened the database with a 4.00 SP1 client. This all seems working well. We could even build the xml-port which we need. \:D/ Because we opened the database with an 4.00 client, we can't use a 3.70 client anymore.
However, before we want to do this on the production version, we were interested to known if someone did this before. And if he got some problems by doing this. I specifically mean then not only with use of xml-ports but more by using the 3.70 objects in an 4.00 client.
I would be great to get your responses (practice or remarks) posted.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
We have a 2.60A Navision database running with 4.00 client for quite a year and didn't have any problem. We migrated from 2.60A navision database client to 4.00 SQL Navision and didn't have any problem.
- backup your 3.70 database
- uninstall 3.70 executables and remove the database
- install 4.0 executables
- create a new database with the new exacutables
- restore the backup into the new database
Denster, i presume that removing and creating a new database is not necessary because we are using SQL server. Only the 3.70 clients need to be uninstalled and the new 4.00sp1 client installed. Or am I wrong ?
Thanks a lot guys